In 2015, we, the activists of the World March of Women, from every continent on the planet, will raise our voices between March 8 and October 17, to declare, loud and strong: “We will be on the march until women are all free!” We will be on the march until all women are free from the oppression engendered by the capitalist, colonialist, patriarchal system. Free from efforts to grab our land, our seeds and our natural resources. Free from the criminalization of our social struggles. Free from the violence that is on the rise due to increased armed conflicts and unconventional warfare conducted by fundamentalist groups, private armies, mafias and organized crime.
We will be on the march until we are all free from the financial markets and multinational corporations that speculate on natural resources, attack our hard-won rights and social gains, and force the State to privatize common goods and public services (like education, healthcare, welfare services and so on).
We will be on the march:
- Until gender-based, patriarchal violence is eliminated from our lives.
- Until there is an end to the exploitation, appropriation and commodification of women’s bodies and women’s work.
- Until a stop is put to the negation of women’s humanity and subjectivity, and until the exploitation of our productive and reproductive work, which are both rendered invisible and devalued, has been eliminated.
We will be on the march until we are all free from all forms of violence of which women are the first victims, but also the first survivors, and the first to defend the rights and the dignity of women and peoples.
We are millions of women struggling all around the world. In addition to caring for our families and our communities, and in addition to performing the majority of the world’s reproductive work, we will be on the march, building proposals and alternatives based on the autonomy of women and on the self-determination of the peoples. We are constructing solidarity networks between us, to promote equality between women, between women and men, and between peoples.
We are building a feminist, solidarity-based economy by changing reproduction and production models, and distribution and consumption models, by developing emancipatory policies based on food sovereignty and popular sovereignty. We recognize domestic and care work as fundamental to the sustainability of life, and as something that must be shared with the men in our families and communities.
We reaffirm that women’s self-organization is our strategy for reinforcing ourselves as political subjects, that we are building a global force in alliance with social movements that share our anti-capitalist, anti-patriarchal and anti-colonialist struggle for a society founded on the principles of solidarity, freedom, equality, justice and peace.
Let us rally around the actions of the World March of Women, until we are all free!