International Webinar: Call from Kanaky/New Caledonia: SOS! Stop the Genocide!

International Webinar: Call from Kanaky/New Caledonia: SOS! Stop the Genocide!

World March of Women invites you to join an urgent international webinar to shed light on the critical situation in Kanaky/New Caledonia.

Date: July 5
Time: 20.00 Kanaky Time

Webinar Highlights:

  • Overview of the Immediate Situation: Addressing recent arrests and repression.
  • Objectives:
    • Raise awareness on the historical struggle against genocide in Kanaky.
    • Mobilize allies to demand an end to the French State Constitutional Amendment on Kanaky voting.
    • Advocate for the release of political prisoners and the decolonization of Kanaky.

Speakers: WMW Kanaky/New Caledonia

Registration link for the webinar:

Interpretation Available In: English, Spanish, French

Don’t miss this critical event. Stand in solidarity with Kanaky/New Caledonia.

You can also read the material prepared by WMW Kanaky about the situation: