We have watched in horror the suffering of you and your people in the last few hours.
We cannot find words to express the pain we feel with the terrible news flying from Beirut to Nuestramérica (Our America).
At this moment we only want to send you a fraternal and supportive embrace, our sincere words of condolence and to tell you that we know of your sufferings as well as your capacities to overcome these hard moments.
We know that Lebanon is going through a tough economic crisis that is largely responsibility of the colonial policies that you have suffered historically, both as a result of the expansionist and militaristic intentions of the Zionist state of Israel.
In spite of all this, friends and sisters, we do not doubt your strength and capacity to raise your country and the beloved city of Beirut, to return to being the garden of the Middle East and in this resurgence to make be born, also, the feminist motherland.
From the World March of Women of the Americas region all our support.