For several years, the World March of Women has discussed the need to create a school for the members of the March. Well, the International Feminist School is coming! It is part of the WMW’s partnership with Grassroots Global Justice (GGJ), Grassroots International (GRI) and Indigenous Environmental Network (IEN).
The school will be inaugurated in March next year and a first meeting, a pilot, takes place today and tomorrow, as part of the activities of the closing week of the 5th International Action.
The WMW brings the political constructions of 20 years and a history of diverse struggles to the school, which will be an instrument to strengthen the popular feminist movement. “It is an opportunity to learn from everyone, to verify our constructions that are based on our own experiences of struggles and defenses of our territories”, says Sandra Morán, from WMW Honduras and coordinator of the International Feminist School. “The system of multiple oppressions affects us all but sometimes in different ways, being together in one space helps us to identify how it does so and find ways to fight and build the global alternative”.
This pilot meeting is attended, online, by more than 70 sisters from at least 27 countries, from the organizations that constitute the school. Let’s say welcome to our school!