Communication is one of the key points for the World March of Women. Together with our allies, we have participated in joint initiatives to create a feminist and popular communication, which makes visible the alternatives of women and people throughout the world and disputes the hegemony in society. In that sense, on January 6th we will launch this project: Capire.
Capire will be one more portal, where the different processes of anti-capitalist and anti-racist feminism will converge. Interviews, audiovisual materials, texts, reflections, stories of experiences, cultural expressions of women in different parts of the world, all that will be in one place.
The materials to be published in Capire will be organized in six thematic axes: movement, feminist economy, environmental justice, food sovereignty, demilitarization and autonomy. The axes guide the entire construction of the portal, from its content to its visual identity.
The objective of this project is to make visible on the internet the actions of women who resist and build alternatives in their territories, so that our actions and reflections reach more people. For this very reason, all the content will be in four languages: English, Spanish, French and Portuguese.
Capire will be produced with the contribution of the women themselves, so there are women in all the regions who are attentive to organizing materials and transmitting their local processes. There is also an email address to receive suggestions for topics and contributions:
We will start the year 2021 with texts and videos produced by women from all over the world. Check out the link: Capire’s social networks are already up and running, so be sure to join them: Instagram, Facebook and twitter. Also, sign up for our email and telegram lists.
We continue to build a feminist and popular communication, seeking to show everyone the feminist actions of women in their regions. Take part in this initiative with us: share it with your colleagues!