Declaration of support for the Lebanese people: We continue to march to defend our bodies, our lands, and our territories!

The World March of Women calls on all defenders of freedom in the world, men and women, to stand by the Lebanese people, who have been subjected to war and violent attacks by the Zionist entity for 60 years, subjecting them to everlasting trauma.

Since October 7, 2023, the Israeli army has been multiplying its daily attacks on the south and northeast of Lebanon, resulting in the death of 414 people, including 4 journalists and 1,686 wounded, the complete destruction of around 150 villages, and the displacement of 160,000 people from border villages. 

In addition, the Zionist entity’s attacks led to the destruction of over 7,000 homes, 11 million square meters of forest and farmland, and economic losses estimated at 6 million dollars.

The World March of Women denounces the current situation, which is the direct consequence of 60 years of illegitimate and illegal Zionist colonization and occupation, directly targeting the civilian population, with women and children in the front line.

The World March of Women denounces the historic impunity with which Israel has acted, which is explained by the international community’s support for this bloodthirsty and racist entity, knowing that these violations could ignite the entire Middle East and North Africa region.

Faced with this situation, the World March of Women in our region calls on all popular movements fighting against colonialism and defending the principle of liberation of peoples worldwide to support the Lebanese people in their quest to live in peace and liberate their entire territory.

The World March of Women in our region reaffirmed the need for a comprehensive, just, and lasting solution to the conflict, based on the liberation of all Lebanese territory and support for the Palestinian people, so that they can exercise their right to self-determination and have an independent, sovereign state, with Al-Quds as its capital. 

We continue to march to defend our bodies, our lands, and our territories!

World March of Women