
Preparatory meeting for the IFOS- Africa was realized on the 13th and 14th of November, in Tanzania

Preparatory meeting for the IFOS- Africa was realized on the 13th and 14th of November, in Tanzania

December 4, 2023 |

On the 13 and 14th of November, the organizing committee from Mozambique, South Africa, Kenya, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe met in Dar Essalam, to strategize and put together the final proposal for the International Feminist School of AFRICA.  This sub-regional school has a journey and a background that we need to understand. It started with the very ...
On the International Day of Struggle for the Elimination of Violence Against Women - For the Defend of our Bodies, Labor, Lands and Ocean

On the International Day of Struggle for the Elimination of Violence Against Women – For the Defend of our Bodies, Labor, Lands and Ocean

November 24, 2023 |

On the International Day of Struggle for the Elimination of Violence Against Women – For the Defend of our Bodies, Labor, Lands and Ocean. While the occupying Israeli forces continue to commit genocide against Palestinians in Gaza, demolishing homes, lands, and livelihoods with the world as a spectator, the World March of Women continues to raise its voices against all forms of ...
WMW MENA stands in solidarity with Maryam Abu Daqqa

WMW MENA stands in solidarity with Maryam Abu Daqqa

November 13, 2023 |

Maryam Abu Daqqa, one of the pioneers of the feminist movement in Palestine, was one of the first Palestinian women to be subjected to captivity at the age of fifteen. She is still carrying the cause of her people and the right to recover stolen lands from a young age, despite being pursued by the ...
International Declaration of the WMW: Call to an end to the genocidal onslaught of the Israeli occupation against the Palestinian people!

International Declaration of the WMW: Call to an end to the genocidal onslaught of the Israeli occupation against the Palestinian people!

November 8, 2023 |

The World March of Women joins the demand for an end to the genocidal onslaught of the Israeli occupation against the Palestinian people The World March of Women joins the demand for an end to the genocidal onslaught of the Israeli occupation against the Palestinian people, especially Palestinian women and children living in Gaza, Jenin camp,and ...
Solidarity statement for Palestinian people and food sovereignty: End the illegal occupation of Palestine  

Solidarity statement for Palestinian people and food sovereignty: End the illegal occupation of Palestine  

October 28, 2023 |

Not to use food as a means of political or economic pressure and the need to refrain from taking unilateral measures that do not take into account international law, including the Charter of the United Nations, and that endanger food security and nutrition, as stipulated in the Rome Declaration of 1996.  We call upon the global ...
Declaration of the 13th International Meeting of the WMW: Bread and Roses...

Declaration of the 13th International Meeting of the WMW: Bread and Roses…

October 27, 2023 |

Here is the declaration of the 13th International Meeting of the WMW which was held in Ankara, Turkey in October, 2023. Bread and Roses…  Bread to bring an end to women’s hunger and roses to allow them to live peaceful, happy lives. That’s the slogan that our march was founded under 25 years ago. At our 13th ...
World March of Women in support of Palestine

World March of Women in support of Palestine

October 17, 2023 |

On Saturday 07/10/2023, the Palestinian resistance carried out a military operation with the aim of continuing the Palestinian resistance in the battle of recovering the stolen Palestinian lands. Resistance is the only option available to liberate Palestine, thus repositioning the Palestinian cause as a central issue of the people and women of Palestine. The Palestinian people ...
Summary of the 13th International Meeting of the WMW in Ankara, Turkey

Summary of the 13th International Meeting of the WMW in Ankara, Turkey

October 11, 2023 |

Since October 7, the 13th International Meeting of the WMW has been taking place in Ankara, Turkey. Below is a summary of what has happened over the last few days: The first day of internal debates of the World March of Women’s 13th International Meeting was devoted to situating our movement within the current international context. ...
Nalu's light will accompany us and illuminate the future that we dream of

Nalu’s light will accompany us and illuminate the future that we dream of

October 6, 2023 |

Today, the World March of Women received terrible news while we are together about to start our 13th International Meeting in Ankara, Turkey. Nalú Faria, our regional coordinator and lifelong activist in Brazil, has left us after a hard battle to remain with us fighting for the rights of women and peoples in the world. We became ...
13th International Meeting Public Events Programme

13th International Meeting Public Events Programme

October 3, 2023 |

The World March of Women is excited to release our schedule of public events happening this weekend in Ankara, Turkey as a part of our 13th International Meeting. We invite and welcome all sisters to join us in feminist solidarity from October 6-8, 2023 for panel discussions, demonstrations, performances, and more! On Friday, October 6, join us ...