Declaration: NATO, the ideological-military tool of capitalism We, militants of the World March of Women, denounce the role that NATO plays in the world as a tool of Western capital to establish and reinforce a criminal system that attacks head-on…
Connecting women’s struggles: World March of Women holds first Balkan Feminist Organizing School in Turkey
In the last May 14, the Turkish NCB started with the Balkan Feminist Organizing School began with the participation of sisters from Bulgaria, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Romania, Armenia, Georgia, and Turkey. The school aims to start a process…
International Statement – 10 Years of the Tenure Guidelines: States Must Address Rising Inequalities and Enact Agrarian Reform to Realize the Right to Land
10 Years of the Tenure Guidelines: States Must Address Rising Inequalities and Enact Agrarian Reform to Realize the Right to Land International Statement May 26, 2022 On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Guidelines on the Responsible Governance…
Many women, girls and LGBTIQA+ people are forced to flee their countries and seek refuge in Europe due to sexual and gender-based violence. In addition, these people are subjected to violence and abuse almost systematically along the migration route. On…
Obituary and denunciation of the murder of Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh
The Middle East and North Africa Coordination for the World March denounce the murder of the Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, who was martyred this morning, May 11, 2022, after being hit in the head while covering the storming of…
New WMW International Secretariat and Committee holds its first face-to-face meeting in Turkey
Yesterday, May 7, began in Turkey the face-to-face meeting with the members of the International Committee (IC) of the World March of Women representing the five regions in which we are present: Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe, MENA – Middle East…
April 24 – WMW in the Eat NATO for Breakfast #12 with Ruba Odeh, Bushra Khaliq and Yildiz Temürtürkan
In view of the day of international feminist solidarity against the power of transnational corporations, Yildiz Temürtürkan (IS Coordinator), Ruba odeh (WMW Palestine and MENA IC member) and Bushra Khaliq (WMW Pakistan and Asia IC Member) from World March of…
Declaration: April 24, 2022: International Day of Feminist Solidarity Against Transnational Corporations
We are getting ready for April 24. Share with us the activities of the World March of Women in your NCb. It can be photos, videos, reports, etc. Send the information to Download the declaration PDF On April 24,…
MENA region held its regional meeting: women deserves live in peace and freedom!
The World March of Women MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region held its regional meeting in Tunisia on March 25 and 26, 2022, with the participation of 14 representatives from the region’s NCBs representing Palestine, Tunisia, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq,…
March 8 2022: The World March of Women begins its year-long journey of struggles around the world
#WMW8March | Text under construction. To send us your CN activity log, please contact us at As every year on March 8th, International Women’s Struggle Day, we take to the streets and networks all over the world with our…
World March of Women International Declaration for March 8, 2022
We are getting ready for March 8th. Share with us the activities of the World March of Women. It can be photos, videos, reports, etc. Send the information to We are going through days when we feel the devastation…
Women demand it: NO to war in Ukraine, No to NATO!
The tension and military escalation, which has been taking place in Eastern Europe in recent days and reached its peak as a result of the statements of Vladimir Putin yesterday, has dangerous consequences for the peoples of Europe, Russia and…
WMW on Capire: 2022, a decisive year: radicalizing feminism, transforming Brazil
Nalu Faria talks about the scenario in Brazil, the presidential elections and the “Out with Bolsonaro” movement originally published on the Capire portal By Nalu Faria This year will be decisive for women and for social movements in general in…
Peace Summit Madrid 2022
Click to go to the official Peace Summit website and sign the declaration We call upon the peoples and social forces to oppose the next NATO summit in Madrid in June 2022 and show that we reject war and militarism.…
World March of Women on Capire: Yildiz Temürtürkan: “transforming our grassroots feminist vision into action”
By Capire portal The World March of Women is a feminist, internationalist, anticapitalist, and anticolonial movement organized from local coordinations in 51 countries and territories. The movement’s coordination has previously been located in Quebec, Brazil, and Mozambique, and is currently…
We, the undersigned, stand in firm internationalist solidarity with Palestinian Civil Society and demand the Israeli Ministry of Defense and Israel Defense Forces (IDF) reverse their recent decrees against six of the most important rights-based organisations in occupied Palestine. On…
WMW holds webinar to discuss anti-systemic feminist struggles against all forms of violence
On November 18th, the World March of Women and the Capire portal, with the support of La Via Campesina and the WRM, held the webinar “Anti-systemic struggles to live free of violence.” A week prior to International Day for the…
Declaration of the 12th International Meeting of the World March of Women 29th-31st October, 2021
Click to download PDF We, Women of the World March from the North and South of the globe, came together from 50 countries for our 12th International Meeting, held from 29th to 31st October, to share our struggles and build…
Notes produced during the 12th international meeting in October 2021
The 12th International Meeting of the World March of Women starts On october 29th, the internal activities of the 12th International Meeting of the World March of Women began, with the presence of more than 120 women from 50 National…
The World March of Women holds a public opening of its 12th International Meeting
Virtual session counted with the presence of activists from 41 countries of the 5 subregions where the WMW is present and guests from allied movements and organizations On Saturday, October 23rd, the World March of Women held the opening of…
The Struggle Continues: We Resist to Live, We March to Transform!
World March of Women holds 12th International Meeting with an opening Public Forum On October 23, 29, 30 and 31, the World March of Women (WMW) will gather women from all over the world to celebrate its 12th International Meeting…
International Feminist Solidarity with the Women and People of Afghanistan: No to Taliban No to Imperialists!
You can download the declaration in PDF here We, the women of the World March of Women, a feminist, internationalist and anti-capitalist movement, stand in solidarity and echo our voices in repudiation of the situation faced by the peoples and…
Black, African and Afro-Latin women’s struggle on the agenda of regional webinars of the World March of Women
The month of July is marked by very important dates in the history of the struggle of Black and African women. In the Americas region, July 25th is celebrated as Black, Latin American and Caribbean Women’s Day. In Africa, the…
Newsletter MMM Las Américas – June
Editorial Since the World March of Women in the Americas we remain pained and concerned about the situation of our comrades from Colombia and Palestine, as both nations are going through moments of internal struggles and social destabilization mainly attributable…
“Air, air, open the borders! The Mediterranean is a cemetery!”
By Marianne Ebel Thousands of feminists from all over Europe demonstrated in the streets of Nice and along the Mediterranean Sea on Saturday, June 5, singing and dancing to affirm loud and clear that freedom of movement is a fundamental…
Anti-imperialist Manifesto in Defense of the Environment: The planet before profits – Only one Earth
On June 5, World Environment Day, the organizations and networks that are part of the International Week of Anti-Imperialist Struggle will be mobilizing in the cities and countries of the world to demand an end to the capitalist destruction of…
Migrations and Refuge on the feminist agenda is the topic of debate at the webinar of the World March of Women and Capire
On May 4, the World March of Women and the Capire portal organized another webinar to debate aspects of the conjuncture of women’s lives around the world. The theme this time was “Migrations and refuge in the feminist agenda”. The…
A message of support from the World March of Women, North Africa and Middle East region, to the Palestinian People
Download the note in 4 languages (Arabic, English, French, Spanish, English) In Jerusalem, Lod and Gaza, the fascist zionist state is today committing new crimes and massacres. This zionist state is arming the zionist settlers to continue the ethnic cleansing…
Declaration of Solidarity with the People of Colombia
From the World March of Women, we send our voice of protest and repudiation to the Colombian government led by Duque and his repressive police forces who mercilessly attack demonstrators who take to the streets to protest against institutional measures…
April 24, 2021: International Day of Solidarity Against Transnational Corporations
On April 24, the World March of Women organized once more the International Day of Feminist Solidarity Against Transnational Corporations. The date honors the more than one thousand women and men workers in the textile industry who lost their lives…
International solidarity with the people of Colombia
The World March of Women together with the International Peoples’ Assembly and the Continental Journey for Democracy and against Neoliberalism, joins the declarations of solidarity with the Colombian people, social movements, unions and organizations, which since April 28 have taken…
April 24: Declaration of Feminist and International Solidarity Against the Power of Transnational Corporations
On April 24th, we, the militants of the World March of Women, bring our voices together to denounce and unite in feminist solidarity against the power of transnational corporations that exploit and destroy women’s lives. Our actions first started in…
March 8, 2021: Feminist Resistance To Put the Sustainability of Life on Center Stage
March 8 symbolizes the struggle politically organized women have undertaken for more than 100 years. Since the early 20th century, women have made efforts to build a date to express the meaning of the life and struggle of working women…
World March of Women International Declaration for March 8, 2021
One year on since the entire world faced the beginning of the first pandemic of the 21st century, we, women, see the coming of a new March 8, and in this year of 2021, it carries a different weight. For…
Building bridges and alternatives: the fifth international action of the WMW in the Basque Country.
From October 17th of last year until March 6th of this year, the WMW sisters of the Basque Country were engaged in the construction of the 5th International Action in their region. The action, which is still going on, is…
On 02/23, attend the webinar “Challenges of grassroots feminism”.
The International Women’s Struggle’s Day is approaching, and the World March of Women is organizing two webinars to connect, visibilize and discuss the challenges and agendas of anti-capitalist feminism. On February 23rd, the first webinar “Challenges of grassroots feminism” will…
Political education and movement building in Kisumu, Kenya.
WMW Kisumu chapter consist of women of diversity who are committed and have passion in addressing issues affecting girls and women. The unique expertise of all members forms an excellent platform to build the movement. Women play an outsized role…
Here comes Capire, a new feminist communication tool
Communication is one of the key points for the World March of Women. Together with our allies, we have participated in joint initiatives to create a feminist and popular communication, which makes visible the alternatives of women and people throughout…
Our solidarity with the sahrawi people: All people have the right to self-determination!
The western sahara is occupied by Marocco since more than 40 years. Since 1991, since 1991 there had been a ceasefire agreement between the military forces of Marocco and the Polisario Front. However, during all these years, Marocco has been…
World March of Women closes 5th International Action connecting all regions of the world
From October 12 to 17, the World March of Women closed its 5th International Action. With the slogan “We resist to live, we march to transform”, the Action marked the 20th anniversary of the WMW and organized the movements’ confrontations…
Marching and transforming in alliance
In 20 years of struggle and history, the World March of Women bets on the self-organization of women and the building of alliances with anti-capitalist social movements. Our alliances are strategic. They are not only the sum of agendas, but…
Declaration for the 5th International Action 2020
This is the closing statement of the 5th International Action of the World March of Women, which began on March 8 and ended on October 17. This 5th Action is held in the year in which the WMW celebrates 20…
Women of the Americas in Resistance
Based on three workshops held online in July and August, with the participation of 40 women, WMW Americas prepared the closing regional document of the 5th International Action, called “Women of the Americas in Resistance”. The text is the result…
Fighting against debt and for human rights
In our places of life and struggle, we denounce the use of the pandemic as an excuse to open more doors to the power of multinational corporations and indebtedness. In Pakistan, the World March of Women released today an open…
We will keep marching to transform
The crisis created by neoliberalism in Europe, the growth of the extreme right and the reaction of movements in the streets — see the MMM Europe regional document. The Basque country is preparing a mobilization to denounce the transformation carried…
The International Feminist School holds its pilot meeting
For several years, the World March of Women has discussed the need to create a school for the members of the March. Well, the International Feminist School is coming! It is part of the WMW’s partnership with Grassroots Global Justice…
Closing of the 5th International Action in Africa
From October 12 to 17, 2020, the World March of Women closes its 5th International Action, with the motto We resist to live, we march to transform. In all the regions where the March is organized there will be activities…
Closing week of the 5th International Action!
From october 12th to 17th, there will be activities around the world to celebrate the closure of our 5th International Action. The different regions will have manifestations on different days. Stay connected! We resist to live! We march to transform!…
In defense of democracy, against neo-liberalism.
Let us build a wide corridor of struggles that put life in the center, anti-imperialist, anti-fascist, anti-patriarchal, anti-racist, for food sovereignty. — Llanisca Lugo, Centro Memorial Martin Luther King, Cuba The struggle for democracy, the struggle to confront neo-liberalism and…
Women face setback and demand rights
In Brazil, the Philippines, Pakistan, Turkey, women of the World March of Women participate in movements against the violence and the setbacks and for rights. We resist to live, we march to transform! In Brazil, the National Front Against the…
Towards the closure of our 5th International Action
At this moment, countries and territories where the World March of Women is organized hold discussions and workshops to contribute to the closing statement of the 5th International Action. In the closing week, we will disseminate the platform of the…
We keep resisting to live and marching to transform!
The Liaison Newsletter provides information on the activities of the World March of Women in all regions since April, when we celebrated the 24 hours of feminist solidarity against the power and impunity of transnational organizations. At this moment, we…
A message of condolence and solidarity
To our sisters in Beirut, to the Lebanese people, The Coordination of the World March of Women – Middle East and North Africa (MENA) receives with deep sorrow the sadness of the Lebanese people following the terrible explosion that took…
Feminist criticism of corporate power
The virtual book and video series “Feminist Criticism of Corporate Power” are online! The material is the result of the feminist elaboration process for the 5th International Action of the World March of Women, which has the denunciation of transnational…
We are thousands of women supporting the Mapuche people
DECLARATION OF THE WORLD MARCH OF WOMEN We, organized women and members of the World March of Women – Americas, strongly repudiate the racist and colonialist attack against the Mapuche people. And we denounce the following: Four days ago, Victor…
Congratulations to the women of Sudan!
We, women of the World March of Women of the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region, congratulate the Sudanese women following the declaration by the Sudanese Justice the approval and adoption by the Transitional Council of the law criminalizing…
No to the Zionist annexation plan! Free Palestine!
Yesterday, 1 July, the Israeli government would begin the annexation of parts of the occupied West Bank and the Jordan Valley, where 65,000 palestinians live. This is the latest attack on the rights and freedom of the Palestinian people who…
Racism and Anti-Fascism – Webinar
In 2020 the World March of Women (WMW) celebrates its 20 years as an international movement. Our 5th action is a call for confrontation, from the perspective of women’s struggles, with the progression of the forces of the extreme right…
In solidarity with the people of the United States
The Jornada Continental por la Democracia y Contra el Neoliberalismo (Continental Convening for Democracy and Against Neoliberalism)expresses its internationalist solidarity with the people of United States who resist today and rise up following the murder of George Floyd at the…
International Appeal to Stop Violence Against the Peoples in Colombia
Daily killings — the Colombian pandemic As organizations, platforms, movements, and national, regional, and international articulations, we condemn and vigorously denounce the systematic and selective murders of comrades from rural and urban organizations in Colombia. In 2020 alone, 84 leaders…
International Call for an Anti-Imperialist May Day in Defence of Life with Dignity
It has been more than one hundred years since the first International Worker’s Day on May 1st. It’s is a day of struggle and celebration that historically has brought millions of people from political and worker’s movement to the streets.…
24 Hours of Feminist Solidarity against the power and impunity of transnational corporations
The 24 Hours of Feminist Solidarity of the World March of Women Against the Power and Impunity of Transnational Corporations (see more about it here) begun in New Caledonia on April 24th 2020. Every April 24th we are committed to…
The conflict is between capital and life. We defend life!
24 hours of Feminist Solidarity Against Transnational Corporations Comrades, sisters around the world! Feminist and in solidarity greetings in this special and unique time of our lives, marked by distance and isolation between us, and between us and the people…
April 24 – 24 Hours of Feminist Solidarity Against Transnational Corporations
The virus of capitalism These months of pandemic and need for social isolation reveal many things that have long been part of our feminist criticism of racist capitalism. The essential jobs for life, care (paid or unpaid), food production and…
Women in the streets: launching the 5th International Action on March 8
At the launch of the 5th International Action of the World March of Women, on March 8, International Day of Women’s Struggle, we expressed our political position regarding the current moment with the slogan We resist to live, we march…
Palestine Land Day – for the right to self determination
On March 30, 1976, the Israeli army attacked demonstrators in the midst of a strike organized by Palestinians n Galilee in the face of another advance of illegal Israeli settlements on Palestinian territory. Six people were killed, hundreds wounded .…
Video – We resist to live, we march to transform
A bit of the story of the World March of Women and why feminists around the world need to march in 2020. This is the year of our 5th International Action and marks 20 years of the movement. Under the…
March 8 – The World March of Women mobilizes and launches the 5th International Action 2020
We have few days left until March 8, when the World March of Women will be in the streets on the International Day of Women’s Struggle and will launch our 5th International Action. We resist to live, we march to…
Solidarity with Venezuela and against neoliberalism
Today, February 27th, is the day of Solidarity with Venezuela. This date marks the 31st anniversary of the Caracazo, when popular protests were the first insurrection against neoliberalism in that country. Between February 27 and March 6, the army and…
Celebrating our path
This year, the World March of Women turns 20. Do you already know our trajectory? This is a timeline celebrating our 20 years of march, in the year of our 5th International Action. You can download it. #WMWinAction2020
We march in solidarity with the saharaui women
Forty-five years ago Western Sahara was occupied by Morocco, with the help of the Spanish government — which abandoned its then colony, collaborated with the invasion and, to this day, gives in to the blackmail of the Moroccan kingdom to…
Freedom for Rita Nyampinga!
IIn May 2019 our companion Rita Nyampinga, from the World March of Women in Zimbabwe, was illegally arrested at Harare airport, together with six other human rights defenders (Nyasha Frank Mpahlo, Tatenda Mombeyarara, Gamuchirai Mukura, George Makoni, Farirai Gumbonzvanda and…
We resist to live, we march to transform! 5th International Action
Call for the 5th International Action of the World March of Women 20 years after the launch of the World March of Women, we call on women in movements from around the world to join our 5th International Action, from…
Anti-Imperialist Week – Resist the imperialist offensive
The World March of Women is part of the group of international organizations that together with the International Assembly of Peoples is calling for the International Week of Anti-imperialist Struggle, from 25 to 31 May. Organised by various movements, networks…
Towards the International Action 2020 – Liaison Bulletin
This year the World March of Women will carry out its 5th International Action 2020, under the slogan “We resist to live, we march to transform!“ With this Action, we will continue to advance in building a permanent and militant…
No to coups against women, no to coups d’état
Women in solidarity with the people of Bolivia Faced with the coup d’état that the government of Evo Morales Ayma is experiencing, the World March of Women in the Americas region stands in solidarity with the Bolivian people. Faced with…
We stand with the Chilean people.
The World March of Women welcomes the rebellion of Chilean youth who have set such an example of courage. We stand in solidarity with the Chilean people who, tired of the neo-liberal policies that take away their rights, join the…
We resist to live, we march to transform!
Every 5 years, an international action of the World March of Women brings us together and mobilises us, connecting our local organisational processes and struggles to the international strength of feminism in movement. Our international actions are moments for constructing…
Resistance and movement building
“Resistance and movement building: confronting neoliberalism from feminist economics and common goods” was the topic of the international seminar organized by the World March of Women (WMW) on July 17-19 in São Paulo. The encounter brought together close to 30…
Rana Plaza Is Everywhere!
In 2013 over 1,000 women died and many others were injured as a result of the collapse of the Rana Plaza building in Bangladesh, Asia. These women worked in inhumane conditions in exchange for starvation wages. The news shocked the…
8 de Marzo: Día Internacional de Lucha de las Mujeres
En todas las regiones del mundo, las mujeres estamos en las calles celebrando la fuerza colectiva que construimos con nuestra organización. Estar en movimiento nos hace recuperar nuestras voces y memorias silenciadas. Ha sido nuestra acción colectiva que cuestionó el…
March 8: International Women’s Struggles Day
In every part of the world, we women are all coming out into the streets to rejoice in the collective strength that we are building together, through our organization. Marching allows us to reclaim our silenced voices and memories.
11th International Meeting Bilbao – Final Declaration
We, women of the World March of Women, gathered at our 11th International Meeting in Euskal Herria, with representatives from 36 countries reaffirm ourselves as feminists, anti-capitalists, anti-patriarchal, anti-colonialists and anti-racists and in permanent march until all women are free.…
11th International Meeting Bilbao – Final Declaration
We, women of the World March of Women, gathered at our 11th International Meeting in Euskal Herria, with representatives from 36 countries reaffirm ourselves as feminists, anti-capitalists, anti-patriarchal, anti-colonialists and anti-racists and in permanent march until all women are free.…
Change the lives of women to change the world. Change the world to change the lives of women
3rd International Action : Call to action We, activists of the World March of Women, struggle together against the root causes of poverty and sexist violence. Ten years after our first International Meeting, we gathered together in Panxón, Galicia, from…