Connecting women’s struggles: World March of Women holds first Balkan Feminist Organizing School in Turkey

In the last May 14, the Turkish NCB started with the Balkan Feminist Organizing School began with the participation of sisters from Bulgaria, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Romania, Armenia, Georgia, and Turkey.  The school aims to start a process…

International Statement – 10 Years of the Tenure Guidelines: States Must Address Rising Inequalities and Enact Agrarian Reform to Realize the Right to Land

10 Years of the Tenure Guidelines: States Must Address Rising Inequalities and Enact Agrarian Reform to Realize the Right to Land International Statement May 26, 2022 On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Guidelines on the Responsible Governance…


Many women, girls and LGBTIQA+ people are forced to flee their countries and seek refuge in Europe due to sexual and gender-based violence. In addition, these people are subjected to violence and abuse almost systematically along the migration route. On…

Obituary and denunciation of the murder of Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh

The Middle East and North Africa Coordination for the World March denounce the murder of the Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, who was martyred this morning, May 11, 2022, after being hit in the head while covering the storming of…

New WMW International Secretariat and Committee holds its first face-to-face meeting in Turkey

Yesterday, May 7, began in Turkey the face-to-face meeting with the members of the International Committee (IC) of the World March of Women representing the five regions in which we are present: Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe, MENA – Middle East…

April 24 – WMW in the Eat NATO for Breakfast #12 with Ruba Odeh, Bushra Khaliq and Yildiz Temürtürkan

In view of the day of international feminist solidarity against the power of transnational corporations, Yildiz Temürtürkan (IS Coordinator), Ruba odeh (WMW Palestine and MENA IC member) and Bushra Khaliq (WMW Pakistan and Asia IC Member) from World March of…

Declaration:  April 24, 2022: International Day of Feminist Solidarity Against Transnational Corporations

We are getting ready for April 24. Share with us the activities of the World March of Women in your NCb. It can be photos, videos, reports, etc. Send the information to Download the declaration PDF On April 24,…

MENA region held its regional meeting: women deserves live in peace and freedom!

The World March of Women MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region held its regional meeting in Tunisia on March 25 and 26, 2022, with the participation of 14 representatives from the region’s NCBs representing Palestine, Tunisia, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq,…

March 8 2022: The World March of Women begins its year-long journey of struggles around the world

#WMW8March | Text under construction. To send us your CN activity log, please contact us at As every year on March 8th, International Women’s Struggle Day, we take to the streets and networks all over the world with our…

WMW on Capire: 2022, a decisive year: radicalizing feminism, transforming Brazil

Nalu Faria talks about the scenario in Brazil, the presidential elections and the “Out with Bolsonaro” movement originally published on the Capire portal By Nalu Faria This year will be decisive for women and for social movements in general in…

World March of Women on Capire: Yildiz Temürtürkan: “transforming our grassroots feminist vision into action”

By Capire portal The World March of Women is a feminist, internationalist, anticapitalist, and anticolonial movement organized from local coordinations in 51 countries and territories. The movement’s coordination has previously been located in Quebec, Brazil, and Mozambique, and is currently…


We, the undersigned, stand in firm internationalist solidarity with Palestinian Civil Society and demand the Israeli Ministry of Defense and Israel Defense Forces (IDF) reverse their recent decrees against six of the most important rights-based organisations in occupied Palestine. On…

WMW holds webinar to discuss anti-systemic feminist struggles against all forms of violence

On November 18th, the World March of Women and the Capire portal, with the support of La Via Campesina and the WRM, held the webinar “Anti-systemic struggles to live free of violence.” A week prior to International Day for the…

Declaration of the 12th International Meeting of the World March of Women 29th-31st October, 2021

Click to download PDF We, Women of the World March from the North and South of the globe, came together from 50 countries for our 12th International Meeting, held from 29th to 31st October, to share our struggles and build…

The World March of Women holds a public opening of its 12th International Meeting

Virtual session counted with the presence of activists from 41 countries of the 5 subregions where the WMW is present and guests from allied movements and organizations On Saturday, October 23rd, the World March of Women held the opening of…

International Feminist Solidarity with the Women and People of Afghanistan: No to Taliban No to Imperialists!

You can download the declaration in PDF here We, the women of the World March of Women, a feminist, internationalist and anti-capitalist movement, stand in solidarity and echo our voices in repudiation of the situation faced by the peoples and…

Black, African and Afro-Latin women’s struggle on the agenda of regional webinars of the World March of Women

The month of July is marked by very important dates in the history of the struggle of Black and African women. In the Americas region, July 25th is celebrated as Black, Latin American and Caribbean Women’s Day. In Africa, the…

Anti-imperialist Manifesto in Defense of the Environment: The planet before profits – Only one Earth

On June 5, World Environment Day, the organizations and networks that are part of the International Week of Anti-Imperialist Struggle will be mobilizing in the cities and countries of the world to demand an end to the capitalist destruction of…

Migrations and Refuge on the feminist agenda is the topic of debate at the webinar of the World March of Women and Capire

On May 4, the World March of Women and the Capire portal organized another webinar to debate aspects of the conjuncture of women’s lives around the world.  The theme this time was “Migrations and refuge in the feminist agenda”. The…

A message of support from the World March of Women, North Africa and Middle East region, to the Palestinian People

Download the note in 4 languages (Arabic, English, French, Spanish, English) In Jerusalem, Lod and Gaza, the fascist zionist state is today committing new crimes and massacres. This zionist state is arming the zionist settlers to continue the ethnic cleansing…

April 24, 2021: International Day of Solidarity Against Transnational Corporations

On April 24, the World March of Women organized once more the International Day of Feminist Solidarity Against Transnational Corporations. The date honors the more than one thousand women and men workers in the textile industry who lost their lives…

April 24: Declaration of Feminist and International Solidarity Against the Power of Transnational Corporations

On April 24th, we, the militants of the World March of Women, bring our voices together to denounce and unite in feminist solidarity against the power of transnational corporations that exploit and destroy women’s lives. Our actions first started in…

March 8, 2021: Feminist Resistance To Put the Sustainability of Life on Center Stage

March 8 symbolizes the struggle politically organized women have undertaken for more than 100 years. Since the early 20th century, women have made efforts to build a date to express the meaning of the life and struggle of working women…

Building bridges and alternatives: the fifth international action of the WMW in the Basque Country.

From October 17th of last year until March 6th of this year, the WMW sisters of the Basque Country were engaged in the construction of the 5th International Action in their region. The action, which is still going on, is…

On 02/23, attend the webinar “Challenges of grassroots feminism”.

The International Women’s Struggle’s Day is approaching, and the World March of Women is organizing two webinars to connect, visibilize and discuss the challenges and agendas of anti-capitalist feminism. On February 23rd, the first webinar “Challenges of grassroots feminism” will…

Our solidarity with the sahrawi people: All people have the right to self-determination!

The western sahara is occupied by Marocco since more than 40 years. Since 1991, since 1991 there had been a ceasefire agreement between the military forces of Marocco and the Polisario Front. However, during all these years, Marocco has been…

World March of Women closes 5th International Action connecting all regions of the world

From October 12 to 17, the World March of Women closed its 5th International Action. With the slogan “We resist to live, we march to transform”, the Action marked the 20th anniversary of the WMW and organized the movements’ confrontations…

International Appeal to Stop Violence Against the Peoples in Colombia

Daily killings — the Colombian pandemic As organizations, platforms, movements, and national, regional, and international articulations, we condemn and vigorously denounce the systematic and selective murders of comrades from rural and urban organizations in Colombia. In 2020 alone, 84 leaders…

International Call for an Anti-Imperialist May Day in Defence of Life with Dignity

It has been more than one hundred years since the first International Worker’s Day on May 1st. It’s is a day of struggle and celebration that historically has brought millions of people from political and worker’s movement to the streets.…

24 Hours of Feminist Solidarity against the power and impunity of transnational corporations

The 24 Hours of Feminist Solidarity of the World March of Women Against the Power and Impunity of Transnational Corporations (see more about it here) begun in New Caledonia on April 24th 2020. Every April 24th we are committed to…

April 24 – 24 Hours of Feminist Solidarity Against Transnational Corporations

The virus of capitalism These months of pandemic and need for social isolation reveal many things that have long been part of our feminist criticism of racist capitalism. The essential jobs for life, care (paid or unpaid), food production and…

March 8 – The World March of Women mobilizes and launches the 5th International Action 2020

We have few days left until March 8, when the World March of Women will be in the streets on the International Day of Women’s Struggle and will launch our 5th International Action. We resist to live, we march to…

11th International Meeting Bilbao – Final Declaration

We, women of the World March of Women, gathered at our 11th International Meeting in Euskal Herria, with representatives from 36 countries reaffirm ourselves as feminists, anti-capitalists, anti-patriarchal, anti-colonialists and anti-racists and in permanent march until all women are free.…

11th International Meeting Bilbao – Final Declaration

We, women of the World March of Women, gathered at our 11th International Meeting in Euskal Herria, with representatives from 36 countries reaffirm ourselves as feminists, anti-capitalists, anti-patriarchal, anti-colonialists and anti-racists and in permanent march until all women are free.…

Change the lives of women to change the world. Change the world to change the lives of women

3rd International Action : Call to action We, activists of the World March of Women, struggle together against the root causes of poverty and sexist violence. Ten years after our first International Meeting, we gathered together in Panxón, Galicia, from…