
International Call for an Anti-Imperialist May Day in Defence of Life with Dignity

International Call for an Anti-Imperialist May Day in Defence of Life with Dignity

April 30, 2020 |

It has been more than one hundred years since the first International Worker’s Day on May 1st. It’s is a day of struggle and celebration that historically has brought millions of people from political and worker’s movement to the streets. This May 1st, 2020, will not be the same. The necessary policies of social isolation imposed ...
24 Hours of Feminist Solidarity against the power and impunity of transnational corporations

24 Hours of Feminist Solidarity against the power and impunity of transnational corporations

April 23, 2020 |

The 24 Hours of Feminist Solidarity of the World March of Women Against the Power and Impunity of Transnational Corporations (see more about it here) begun in New Caledonia on April 24th 2020. Every April 24th we are committed to unite around the world to denounce the actions of transnational corporations that exploit and ...
The conflict is between capital and life. We defend life!

The conflict is between capital and life. We defend life!

April 23, 2020 |

24 hours of Feminist Solidarity Against Transnational Corporations Comrades, sisters around the world! Feminist and in solidarity greetings in this special and unique time of our lives, marked by distance and isolation between us, and between us and the people we love. If human care and warmth has always been important elements in life, today we have ...
April 24 - 24 Hours of Feminist Solidarity Against Transnational Corporations

April 24 – 24 Hours of Feminist Solidarity Against Transnational Corporations

April 17, 2020 |

The virus of capitalism These months of pandemic and need for social isolation reveal many things that have long been part of our feminist criticism of racist capitalism. The essential jobs for life, care (paid or unpaid), food production and all the daily, often invisible, jobs that ensure that life goes on become more evident. All ...
Women in the streets: launching the 5th International Action on March 8

Women in the streets: launching the 5th International Action on March 8

April 2, 2020 |

At the launch of the 5th International Action of the World March of Women, on March 8, International Day of Women’s Struggle, we expressed our political position regarding the current moment with the slogan We resist to live, we march to transform! We resist and fight against the capitalist attack on life and against the ...
Palestine Land Day - for the right to self determination

Palestine Land Day – for the right to self determination

March 29, 2020 |

On March 30, 1976, the Israeli army attacked demonstrators in the midst of a strike organized by Palestinians n Galilee in the face of another advance of illegal Israeli settlements on Palestinian territory. Six people were killed, hundreds wounded . Since then this is Palestinian Land Day — the day when Palestinians celebrate this event ...
Video - We resist to live, we march to transform

Video – We resist to live, we march to transform

March 6, 2020 |

A bit of the story of the World March of Women and why feminists around the world need to march in 2020. This is the year of our 5th International Action and marks 20 years of the movement. Under the slogan “we resist to live, we march to transform!”, women will have an intense international ...
March 8 - The World March of Women mobilizes and launches the 5th International Action 2020

March 8 – The World March of Women mobilizes and launches the 5th International Action 2020

March 1, 2020 |

We have few days left until March 8, when the World March of Women will be in the streets on the International Day of Women’s Struggle and will launch our 5th International Action. We resist to live, we march to transform! This is our slogan and with it we will take up demonstrations of our ...
Solidarity with Venezuela and against neoliberalism

Solidarity with Venezuela and against neoliberalism

February 27, 2020 |

Today, February 27th, is the day of Solidarity with Venezuela. This date marks the 31st anniversary of the Caracazo, when popular protests were the first insurrection against neoliberalism in that country. Between February 27 and March 6, the army and police used some 4 million bullets to repress the people who took to the streets to ...