
April 24: Declaration of Feminist and International Solidarity Against the Power of Transnational Corporations

April 24: Declaration of Feminist and International Solidarity Against the Power of Transnational Corporations

April 23, 2021 |

On April 24th, we, the militants of the World March of Women, bring our voices together to denounce and unite in feminist solidarity against the power of transnational corporations that exploit and destroy women’s lives. Our actions first started in 2013, when the Rana Plaza building collapsed and destroyed thousands of lives of women who worked ...
March 8, 2021: Feminist Resistance To Put the Sustainability of Life on Center Stage

March 8, 2021: Feminist Resistance To Put the Sustainability of Life on Center Stage

March 12, 2021 |

March 8 symbolizes the struggle politically organized women have undertaken for more than 100 years. Since the early 20th century, women have made efforts to build a date to express the meaning of the life and struggle of working women of the world. Marching against hunger and war, women have denounced inequality and poor working ...
World March of Women International Declaration for March 8, 2021

World March of Women International Declaration for March 8, 2021

March 4, 2021 |

One year on since the entire world faced the beginning of the first pandemic of the 21st century, we, women, see the coming of a new March 8, and in this year of 2021, it carries a different weight. For 111 years, this date has been a milestone for women in movement, the women who ...
Building bridges and alternatives: the fifth international action of the WMW in the Basque Country.

Building bridges and alternatives: the fifth international action of the WMW in the Basque Country.

February 25, 2021 |

From October 17th of last year until March 6th of this year, the WMW sisters of the Basque Country were engaged in the construction of the 5th International Action in their region. The action, which is still going on, is full of political debates about the capitalist, patriarchal and racist system that builds walls between ...
On 02/23, attend the webinar "Challenges of grassroots feminism".

On 02/23, attend the webinar “Challenges of grassroots feminism”.

February 17, 2021 |

The International Women’s Struggle’s Day is approaching, and the World March of Women is organizing two webinars to connect, visibilize and discuss the challenges and agendas of anti-capitalist feminism. On February 23rd, the first webinar “Challenges of grassroots feminism” will feature presentations from comrades of the World March of Women, La Via Campesina, Friends of the ...
Political education and movement building in Kisumu, Kenya.

Political education and movement building in Kisumu, Kenya.

February 16, 2021 |

WMW Kisumu chapter consist of women of diversity who are committed and have passion in addressing issues affecting girls and women. The unique expertise of all members forms an excellent platform to build the movement. Women play an outsized role responding to issues affecting them though they are the most enduring the worst when it ...
Here comes Capire, a new feminist communication tool

Here comes Capire, a new feminist communication tool

December 21, 2020 |

Communication is one of the key points for the World March of Women. Together with our allies, we have participated in joint initiatives to create a feminist and popular communication, which makes visible the alternatives of women and people throughout the world and disputes the hegemony in society. In that sense, on January 6th we ...
Our solidarity with the sahrawi people: All people have the right to self-determination!

Our solidarity with the sahrawi people: All people have the right to self-determination!

November 20, 2020 |

The western sahara is occupied by Marocco since more than 40 years. Since 1991, since 1991 there had been a ceasefire agreement between the military forces of Marocco and the Polisario Front. However, during all these years, Marocco has been exploiting the natural resources of the region, invading the sahrawi territory throu the ilegal breach of ...
World March of Women closes 5th International Action connecting all regions of the world

World March of Women closes 5th International Action connecting all regions of the world

November 17, 2020 |

From October 12 to 17, the World March of Women closed its 5th International Action. With the slogan “We resist to live, we march to transform”, the Action marked the 20th anniversary of the WMW and organized the movements’ confrontations and feminist proposals, connecting local and global struggles. On the 12th and 13th, there was a ...
Feminist Economics and Environmentalism for a Just Recovery: Outlooks from the South

Feminist Economics and Environmentalism for a Just Recovery: Outlooks from the South

November 12, 2020 |

The World March of Women and REMTE Red Latinoamericana de Mujeres Transformando la Economía and Friends of Earth International made a new publication based on the webinar "Feminist Economics and Environmentalism for a Just Recovery: Outlooks from the South", that happened on June 30.