
International Declaration of the WMW: March 30th, 2023: Palestinian Land Day

International Declaration of the WMW: March 30th, 2023: Palestinian Land Day

March 30, 2023 |

On the 30th of March, Palestinian Land Day, we support the struggle of Palestinian peoples for their right to self-determination and their right to live on their land. This year, as the peoples of the world witness increasing capitalist exploitation of resources, thus causing unprecedented economic crises, Palestinians face fascist attacks by the israeli occupation forces. ...
Condolences: In memory of Dr. Ahlam Belhaj

Condolences: In memory of Dr. Ahlam Belhaj

March 28, 2023 |

We mourn the death of Tunisian feminist trade union activist Dr. Ahlam Belhaj, Former president of the Tunisian Association of Democratic Women and member of WMW. Belhadj led a march of thousands of women against President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali during the 2011 Tunisian Revolution. She was the 2012 winner of the Simone de Beauvoir ...
<strong>International Declaration of the World March of Women - March 8, 2023</strong>

International Declaration of the World March of Women – March 8, 2023

March 6, 2023 |

We, as the World March of Women, are proud to celebrate International Day of Women’s Struggle, on March 8th, 2023, by means of honoring the working women who firmly stood up as strong resistance and opposition in full determination against capitalism, in the beginning of the twentieth century.  With our firm belief in international feminist solidarity, ...
WMW and Capire release materials on women's resistance in Western Sahara

WMW and Capire release materials on women’s resistance in Western Sahara

February 17, 2023 |

Read also in Capire Portal On February 18th, women from around the world stand in solidarity with Sahrawi women. The people of Western Sahara have been struggling for self-determination for nearly half a century. And women are part of this ongoing, relentless struggle. In 1975, they faced the brutal occupation of their territory by Morocco and, ...
WMW's solidarity message to the people affected by the earthquake in Turkey, Syria, Egypt and Lebanon

WMW’s solidarity message to the people affected by the earthquake in Turkey, Syria, Egypt and Lebanon

February 14, 2023 |

click to download in PDF (French, English, Spanish, Portuguese and Turkish) The World March of Women has been following the chaotic situation in which the Turkish population finds itself, and also in nearby countries that have been affected by the largest earthquake recorded since 1999. We are in solidarity with all the bereaved and homeless people who ...
18th Feb: International Webinar - World Day of Solidarity with Saharawi Women

18th Feb: International Webinar – World Day of Solidarity with Saharawi Women

February 9, 2023 |

February 18 is a day of struggle for women around the world committed to the struggle for sovereignty and people’s power. It is the World Day of Solidarity with Saharawi Women. The Saharawi people have been resisting the violent occupation of their territory by Morocco for decades. To commemorate this day, the World March of Women ...
WMW organizes webinar series on "Crisis and Feminist Alternatives, 2023"

WMW organizes webinar series on “Crisis and Feminist Alternatives, 2023”

January 19, 2023 |

As a start of the international activities of 2023, the World March of Women is organizing a webinar series on “Crises & Feminist Alternatives, 2023”.  As capitalism entered the crisis, it began to restrict and narrow our lives more and more all over the world. Today’s crises, while determining every aspect of life, from home to ...
Feminist Solidarity with the people of Peru and Brazil

Feminist Solidarity with the people of Peru and Brazil

January 16, 2023 |

PDF version here (in spanish, english and french) The World March of Women (WMW) embraces the Peruvian and Brazilian peoples, reiterating our feminist and class solidarity. In Peru we see once again how the oligarchies, the ruling classes, the national and transnational economic powers are attacking the decisions of the people, when the governments are not servile ...


December 15, 2022 |

With deep concern the women and feminists of the international movement World March of Women of which the territory of the Americas and the focal point of the women of Peru is an active member; We have observed that day by day the civic and social rights are being violated that violate the elementary minimums ...
WMW's presence at COP 27*, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt

WMW’s presence at COP 27*, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt

November 22, 2022 |

(*this text can still be updated with more information) The United Nations Climate Change Conference – COP 27 took place from November 6 to 18, 2022, in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt. By political decision and after the experience accumulated by the WMW in the struggles of women around the world for the commons, the WMW was not ...