
Newsletter MMM Las Américas - June

Newsletter MMM Las Américas – June

July 6, 2021 |

Click here to access the Newsletter page in 4 languages Editorial Since the World March of Women in the Americas we remain pained and concerned about the situation of our comrades from Colombia and Palestine, as both nations are going through moments of internal struggles and social destabilization mainly attributable to patriarchal capitalism which, in its attempt ...
"Air, air, open the borders! The Mediterranean is a cemetery!"

“Air, air, open the borders! The Mediterranean is a cemetery!”

July 5, 2021 |

By Marianne Ebel Thousands of feminists from all over Europe demonstrated in the streets of Nice and along the Mediterranean Sea on Saturday, June 5, singing and dancing to affirm loud and clear that freedom of movement is a fundamental freedom. Despite all the headwinds, the call of Toutes aux Frontières for a Europe without walls ...
Anti-imperialist Manifesto in Defense of the Environment: The planet before profits - Only one Earth

Anti-imperialist Manifesto in Defense of the Environment: The planet before profits – Only one Earth

June 3, 2021 |

On June 5, World Environment Day, the organizations and networks that are part of the International Week of Anti-Imperialist Struggle will be mobilizing in the cities and countries of the world to demand an end to the capitalist destruction of the earth and the environment. The Anti-Imperialist Manifesto denounces the profits of transnational corporations and the ...
Migrations and Refuge on the feminist agenda is the topic of debate at the webinar of the World March of Women and Capire

Migrations and Refuge on the feminist agenda is the topic of debate at the webinar of the World March of Women and Capire

May 27, 2021 |

On May 4, the World March of Women and the Capire portal organized another webinar to debate aspects of the conjuncture of women’s lives around the world.  The theme this time was “Migrations and refuge in the feminist agenda”. The webinars have been tools to connect the militants of the WMW and other allied organizations ...
A message of support from the World March of Women, North Africa and Middle East region, to the Palestinian People

A message of support from the World March of Women, North Africa and Middle East region, to the Palestinian People

May 11, 2021 |

Download the note in 4 languages (Arabic, English, French, Spanish, English) In Jerusalem, Lod and Gaza, the fascist zionist state is today committing new crimes and massacres. This zionist state is arming the zionist settlers to continue the ethnic cleansing of Palestine, begun in 1920 by several zionist militias. Since the illegal invasion and  annexation of Jerusalem ...
Declaration of Solidarity with the People of Colombia

Declaration of Solidarity with the People of Colombia

May 10, 2021 |

From the World March of Women, we send our voice of protest and repudiation to the Colombian government led by Duque and his repressive police forces who mercilessly attack demonstrators who take to the streets to protest against institutional measures that violate citizens’ rights. We send all our solidarity to the Colombian people, to the women ...
April 24, 2021: International Day of Solidarity Against Transnational Corporations

April 24, 2021: International Day of Solidarity Against Transnational Corporations

May 6, 2021 |

On April 24, the World March of Women organized once more the International Day of Feminist Solidarity Against Transnational Corporations. The date honors the more than one thousand women and men workers in the textile industry who lost their lives in the collapse of the Rana Plaza building in Bangladesh in 2013. The WMW contributed ...
International solidarity with the people of Colombia

International solidarity with the people of Colombia

May 4, 2021 |

The World March of Women together with the International Peoples’ Assembly and the Continental Journey for Democracy and against Neoliberalism, joins the declarations of solidarity with the Colombian people, social movements, unions and organizations, which since April 28 have taken to the streets in a national strike, protesting against the package of neoliberal reforms proposed ...
April 24: Declaration of Feminist and International Solidarity Against the Power of Transnational Corporations

April 24: Declaration of Feminist and International Solidarity Against the Power of Transnational Corporations

April 23, 2021 |

On April 24th, we, the militants of the World March of Women, bring our voices together to denounce and unite in feminist solidarity against the power of transnational corporations that exploit and destroy women’s lives. Our actions first started in 2013, when the Rana Plaza building collapsed and destroyed thousands of lives of women who worked ...
March 8, 2021: Feminist Resistance To Put the Sustainability of Life on Center Stage

March 8, 2021: Feminist Resistance To Put the Sustainability of Life on Center Stage

March 12, 2021 |

March 8 symbolizes the struggle politically organized women have undertaken for more than 100 years. Since the early 20th century, women have made efforts to build a date to express the meaning of the life and struggle of working women of the world. Marching against hunger and war, women have denounced inequality and poor working ...