MENA Statement of solidarity with the women and girls of Jenin/Palestine

The coordination of North Africa and the Middle East acknowledges and values the courage of Palestinian women in the face of ongoing war crimes and genocide perpetrated by the Zionist occupation for over 75 years, continuously leaving behind devastating human and socio-psychological effects on the Palestinian people. 

Since August 28, 2024, the Israeli army has launched a military operation in the northern West Bank, the largest since 2002. Large forces have invaded the cities of Jenin and Tulkarem, as well as their camps, destroying 80% of the infrastructure, including major and secondary roads, causing the displacement of hundreds of families without any assistance, and making life impossible under the threat of assassinations and a state of siege. 

Women and girls in Jenin are experiencing forced displacement, losing their homes and belongings, and facing difficulties in accessing basic services such as healthcare, education, and protection. 

The North Africa and Middle East region firmly condemns the escalation of crimes by the Zionist occupying forces against Palestinians, who are deprived of electricity, water, food, and medicine, thereby particularly exacerbating the suffering and poverty of elderly women. 

What is happening in Jenin due to the brutal Zionist aggression is a collective punishment against the Palestinian people in struggle, particularly against women and girls, including a member of the National Coordination of Palestine from the World March of Women. 

The tense and alert situation characterizing the city of Jenin has forced many women to leave their homes with their children in search of a safe place. Although this movement is not secure in itself, due to the positioning of military vehicles at the access points to the city and the deployment of snipers on the rooftops of buildings, while drones have not left the skies of Jenin for months. Also, what further exacerbates the situation and makes this process almost impossible is the state of the roads, which have been completely damaged and destroyed, forcing these women to walk for hours in search of shelter for themselves and their children. 

In light of the above, the North Africa and Middle East region calls on all feminist organizations and human rights associations to support and defend women and girls in Jenin, and to condemn the practices of the occupying authority that impose explicit and implicit forced displacement, which are part of the denial of the human rights system. 

The North Africa and Middle East region expresses its unconditional support and solidarity with the women and girls of Jenin, who are facing forced displacement. We express our conviction that the Palestinian cause is just and legitimate; however, it is also a feminist cause, based on the right to life, freedom, and dignity. 

We resist to live, we march for change.

World March of Women- MENA