World March of Women holds 12th International Meeting with an opening Public Forum
On October 23, 29, 30 and 31, the World March of Women (WMW) will gather women from all over the world to celebrate its 12th International Meeting in order to strengthen strategies of struggle and build global alternatives. The event is being held in 2021 virtually due to the covid-19 pandemic. The last edition of the meeting took place in Bilbao, Basque Country, in 2018. The history of the Encounters can be read and looked at in the gallery of photos and stories published on Capire.

In this international context marked by the conservative and neoliberal offensive on life, territories, work women reaffirm their alternatives and resistances in this meeting. The appearance of the COVID-19 pandemic has come as another marker of the capital-life conflict and its profound attack on peoples and women. The politics of death and control rapidly alter regional dynamics and deepen economic and social inequalities. Our feminist and anti-capitalist resistance exists precisely in our collective confrontations from different realities, peoples and places to stop the advance of imperialism, colonialism and the actions of transnational corporations.
The International Meeting
In addition to updating our common feminist agenda and strategy, the 12th International Meeting will elect a new International Secretariat. Since 2013, the Secretariat is coordinated by Graça Samo, from Mozambique. The World March of Women is organized in 5 sub-regions of action in the world: Africa, America, Asia, Europe and MENA – North Africa and Middle East, bringing together 58 national coordinations bodies (NCBs).
The 12th International Meeting will open on October 23rd with a virtual session open to all activists of the World March of Women, allied movements and the general public. It will be opened by Graça Samo and will have interventions on the situation made by invited comrades from La Via Campesina and Friends of the Earth, and greetings from other movements and allied organizations. After that, the Meeting will continue in the following week, only among the delegates and observers indicated by the National Coordinations.
The organizing process
A year ago, in October 2020, the World March of Women celebrated 20 years of resistance and closed its 5th International Action in a virtual way, claiming new ways to carry out our actions with communication and connection among us.
Prior to the International Meeting, regional meetings were organized to share debates and evaluations on the current situation and the strengths and challenges of the movement. In these meetings, new representatives for the WMW International Committee were elected.
The objective is to be a space of connection and construction of the international feminist political agenda and strategies of joint action of the movement for the next period. From the evaluations, understandings and analysis of the international and regional situation, women will debate on the responses to the challenges in the territories where they are organized for the construction of a popular, anti-capitalist, anti-racist and anti-colonial feminism.
From the experiences of women around the world, we will continue to bet on collective and solidarity strategies to put at the center the sustainability of life from self-organization and in alliance with social movements that aim for transformation with an anti-systemic project.
Opening Forum of the 12th International Meeting of the World March of Women
October 23, 2021.
07:00 Guatemala / 09:00 Venezuela, Quebec, Cuba / 10:00 Brazil / 13:00 Côte d’Ivoire / 14:00 Morocco / 15:00 Mozambique, Galiza, Switzerland / 16:00 Turkey, Kenya, Palestine / 18:00 Pakistan / 21:00 Philippines / 00:00 Nouvelle-Calédonie (24 Oct).
Registration: https://bit.ly/23WMWOpening
Public: Open activity
With interpretation in English, Spanish and French
12th International Meeting of the World March of Women
October 29, 30 and 31
07:00 Guatemala / 09:00 Venezuela, Quebec, Cuba / 10:00 Brazil / 13:00 Côte d’Ivoire / 14:00 Morocco / 15:00 Mozambique, Galiza, Switzerland / 16:00 Turkey, Kenya, Palestine / 18:00 Pakistan / 21:00 Philippines / 00:00 Nouvelle-Calédonie (24 Oct).
Public: Only for delegates from the regions or invited persons.