Building bridges and alternatives: the fifth international action of the WMW in the Basque Country.

From October 17th of last year until March 6th of this year, the WMW sisters of the Basque Country were engaged in the construction of the 5th International Action in their region. The action, which is still going on, is…

On 02/23, attend the webinar “Challenges of grassroots feminism”.

The International Women’s Struggle’s Day is approaching, and the World March of Women is organizing two webinars to connect, visibilize and discuss the challenges and agendas of anti-capitalist feminism. On February 23rd, the first webinar “Challenges of grassroots feminism” will…

Our solidarity with the sahrawi people: All people have the right to self-determination!

The western sahara is occupied by Marocco since more than 40 years. Since 1991, since 1991 there had been a ceasefire agreement between the military forces of Marocco and the Polisario Front. However, during all these years, Marocco has been…

World March of Women closes 5th International Action connecting all regions of the world

From October 12 to 17, the World March of Women closed its 5th International Action. With the slogan “We resist to live, we march to transform”, the Action marked the 20th anniversary of the WMW and organized the movements’ confrontations…

International Appeal to Stop Violence Against the Peoples in Colombia

Daily killings — the Colombian pandemic As organizations, platforms, movements, and national, regional, and international articulations, we condemn and vigorously denounce the systematic and selective murders of comrades from rural and urban organizations in Colombia. In 2020 alone, 84 leaders…

International Call for an Anti-Imperialist May Day in Defence of Life with Dignity

It has been more than one hundred years since the first International Worker’s Day on May 1st. It’s is a day of struggle and celebration that historically has brought millions of people from political and worker’s movement to the streets.…

24 Hours of Feminist Solidarity against the power and impunity of transnational corporations

The 24 Hours of Feminist Solidarity of the World March of Women Against the Power and Impunity of Transnational Corporations (see more about it here) begun in New Caledonia on April 24th 2020. Every April 24th we are committed to…

April 24 – 24 Hours of Feminist Solidarity Against Transnational Corporations

The virus of capitalism These months of pandemic and need for social isolation reveal many things that have long been part of our feminist criticism of racist capitalism. The essential jobs for life, care (paid or unpaid), food production and…

March 8 – The World March of Women mobilizes and launches the 5th International Action 2020

We have few days left until March 8, when the World March of Women will be in the streets on the International Day of Women’s Struggle and will launch our 5th International Action. We resist to live, we march to…

11th International Meeting Bilbao – Final Declaration

We, women of the World March of Women, gathered at our 11th International Meeting in Euskal Herria, with representatives from 36 countries reaffirm ourselves as feminists, anti-capitalists, anti-patriarchal, anti-colonialists and anti-racists and in permanent march until all women are free.…

11th International Meeting Bilbao – Final Declaration

We, women of the World March of Women, gathered at our 11th International Meeting in Euskal Herria, with representatives from 36 countries reaffirm ourselves as feminists, anti-capitalists, anti-patriarchal, anti-colonialists and anti-racists and in permanent march until all women are free.…

Change the lives of women to change the world. Change the world to change the lives of women

3rd International Action : Call to action We, activists of the World March of Women, struggle together against the root causes of poverty and sexist violence. Ten years after our first International Meeting, we gathered together in Panxón, Galicia, from…